For immediate release – November 4, 2021
Hybrid City Alliance, a global network of partners that foster collaboration to provide meeting professionals with access to knowledge, innovation, and tools to produce hybrid and multi city events, together with BestCities Alliance, a global alliance of 11 cities established to harness the power of collaboration and community to create positive impact through business events, introduce “Hybrid’s Happening: Together we can successfully engage global audiences” IMEX America Campfire Session.
The session is going to welcome two speakers who will help attendees demystify the meaning behind hybrid, blended and multi hub events – the frequently used buzzwords of these days:
- Glenn Duncan, Senior VP & CMO, Ottawa Tourism Business Events, on behalf of the Hybrid City Alliance
- Jane Cunningham, Director, Community Engagement, BestCities Global Alliance
Learning Outcomes
- Why we need to embrace hybrid
- How to deliver successful events
- Hear experiences, the good, bad and the ugly
- Share your experiences of hybrid to help others
The debate is aimed to result in a clearer understanding of the terms hybrid, blended, and multi hub events. The session attendees will learn key points to consider when planning hybrid or multi hub events and also gain access to white papers produced by Hybrid City Alliance, and BestCities Global Alliance in conjunction with IAPCO.
Join the debate!
The Campfire Session is part of the IMEX America trade shows that will be held on November 9 – November 11 in Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas. The session itself will take place on Tuesday, November 9 from 11:30 am to 12:00 pm local time at Inspiration Hub, booth C2009, free of charge. More information on the session available also on the IMEX America website here.